

EnergyBots is fostering businesses to adopt Industry 4.0 strategies and be future smart! We integrate machine-to-machine communication and the Internet of Things (IoT) for increased automation, improved communication, monitoring and predictive maintenance. We create smart IoT based management systems for environmental sustainability!

Our Solutions

EnergyBots solutions are designed for businesses that aspire to be future ready. Our IoT based energy management system; Industrial IoT solutions and other IoT based solutions use innovative embedded digital intelligence to enable real time monitoring, management and predictive maintenance across your deployments. The smart sensor solutions derive and compute data from the cloud based servers to analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention. Our solutions can drive process automation and operational efficiency in various applications, including smart buildings, industries, farming, logistics, water management, energy sector, and so many others.

 IoT based Solutions, employed for energy efficiency.

Smart Energy Solutions

The most reasonable way to save energy is to cut down its wastage. Our IoT based energy management system can be employed for energy efficiency, increase in the share of renewable energy, and enhance environmental sustainability.

Businesses are turning to the capabilities of IoT based energy management systems, for economic benefits and energy efficiency. You can increasingly integrate our smart sensor-based energy saving solutions to operations and reduce your carbon footprint, optimize the use of resources, measure and analyze their environmental impact and be able to take corrective measures

Smart sensors for climate control and energy conservation

Climate Control Solutions

EnergyBots’ climate control solutions are designed to automatically maintain the perfect conditions in spaces and keep energy use at the optimum level. Equipped with smart sensors for light, movement, humidity, Carbon Dioxide level, etc.,

Our smart climate control solutions can dynamically adjust the operations depending on the changing conditions and requirements, and avoid using energy where it is not required. Smart thermostats can cool the space before the heat comes to avoid using expensive energy at the peak load time. Our smart sensor energy solutions are ideal for offices and industries to enable automatic operation of lights, air conditioners, and curtains.

IoT based Smart Agriculture and water level sensor

Smart Farming Solutions

At EnergyBots we developed smart sensor energy management solutions for the agriculture industry. Our IoT-based energy management systems are helping farmers to adopt technology and take smart decisions to enhance productivity.

The smart sensor solutions employ a multitude of sensors to collect, interpret and communicate farm related real time information. On the farm, these sensors are used to detect crop stages and recommend inputs and treatments at the right time, as well as control the level of irrigation. We enable farmers to analyze soil conditions, monitor the health of the soil and their produce, and effectively operate their farms.

Smart metering solutions to monitor and conserve the energy.

Smart Metering Solutions

EnergyBots smart metering systems measures, collects, and analyzes energy usage, and communicates with metering devices such as smart electricity meters, gas meters, heat meters, and water meters , either on request or on a schedule.

Smart metering, real-time power usage monitoring and data-driven predictions help better control usage and reduce wastage. Our smart metering solutions, monitor energy consumption in real-time, dynamically calculate spending and share the data with consumers. Optimize energy consumption and reduce operating expenses with clear real-time information about energy usage. Improved transparency in accounting and billing helps consumers control their energy usage at a granular level, respond to load changes, limit wastage of energy, and be energy efficient.

Industrial IoT solutions to make enterprises Industry 4.0 ready

Industrial IoT Solutions

Industries need to be Industry 4.0 ready! EnergyBots Industrial IoT solutions can digitize your installations and enterprises to make them energy and cost efficient. Our solution includes sensors, meters, controls, applications and analytics tools that enable consumers, to monitor, manage and control processes, assets and resources, while saving productions costs.

Our Industrial IoT solution enables a higher degree of automation by using cloud computing to refine and optimize the process controls. As emphasized by Industry 4.0, EnergyBots Industrial IoT solutions enable predictive maintenance through the use of technology and IoT sensors. Identify live maintenance issues and take corrective measures well on time. Experience improved productivity, analytics and transformation of the workplace through our Industrial IoT solutions!

Smart building solutions with smart sensors and touchless solutions

Smart Building Solutions

With the pandemic engulfing the entire world, the seismic shift for many establishments from on-site working to remote working is an enforced one. But return to work is not going to be simple and easy. EnergyBots offers smart sensor solutions to address this unprecedented situation.

Our IoT-based solutions use embedded digitalization to optimize everything from occupancy to energy use, improving sustainability and wellbeing, and ultimately reducing costs. Our smart sensor-based touchless solutions are need of the hour to better handle building management. Reducing the number of touchpoints in shared spaces is critical. From automatic doors to intuitive elevator systems, our smart sensor solutions endeavour to reduce touchpoints for the safety of the building occupants.

Smart sensor-based touchless solutions which enables face recognition

Touchless Solutions

Our smart sensor-based touchless solutions are need of the hour to enable contactless attendance, visitor management, and access control. Reducing the number of touch points in shared spaces is critical.

Our solutions enable face recognition, to register individuals and then allow them access to offices and buildings. From automatic doors to intuitive elevator systems, our smart sensor solutions endeavor to reduce touch points for the safety of the building occupants.

Logistics and tracking system, uses GPS to keep track of vehicles

Logistics and Tracking Solutions

Logistics and tracking system is another fine IoT based solution from EnergyBots that uses GPS to keep track of vehicles. The digitally embedded system is installed in the vehicle, to track the location.

The location of the vehicle is identified using Global Positioning system (GPS) and Global system mobile communication (GSM). These smart sensor systems constantly watch a moving vehicle and report the status on demand. It can measure the load in real-time, identify the exact speed of the vehicle, track the delivery process, monitor the cargo condition, etc.

Major Areas of


The applications of our IoT-based smart solutions are multiple, because they can be integrated with almost any technology that is capable of providing relevant information about operation, performance of an activity, and environmental conditions. Many establishments from varied sectors are adopting this technology to simplify, improve, automate and control processes.

Industrial Units
Industrial IoT is an ever growing and rapidly increasing sector that accounts for most of the share of IoT spending in the global market. Industrialists and manufactures in almost every sector have a tremendous opportunity to not only monitor, but also automate many complex processes.
Street Lights
Streetlights are vital part of urban living, providing citizens with safety and security. Our lighting sensor can be deployed on each streetlight, with a functionality that will dim to zero on bright light and glow in full as the sunlight fades away.
Our IoT based smart energy solution has the potential to transform the retail industry with numerous benefits. These include efficient store management, tracking, and monitoring of stock as well as improving store security and loss prevention. Our smart sensors can track customer footfalls too.
EnergyBots IoT based Smart Farming improves the entire agriculture system by monitoring the field in real-time. With the help of sensors and interconnectivity, the Internet of Things in Agriculture has not only saved the time of the farmers but has also reduced the extravagant use of resources such as Water and Electricity.
EnergyBots is digitizing office spaces and making them smart with the use of our products and solutions. Our smart lighting, smart climate control, and other touchless solutions are creating future ready offices.
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Save for the Future

Carbon dioxide emissions, primarily from the combustion of fossil fuels, have risen dramatically since the start of the industrial revolution. These emissions are a primary driver of climate change, and at present, one of the world’s most pressing challenges.

Reduce your Carbon Footprint :-

  • Reduce energy consumption (electricity, water, gas)
  • Reduce wastage of energy
  • Embed digital intelligence to get information on energy consumption and thus reduce consumption